Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/189

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NEW BRIGHTON PAPERS. 13S Beaver Valley News. The "Beaver Valley News" was established May 22, 1874, by Major David Critchlow and Francis S. Beader, who bought the material of the "Beaver County Press." The outfit consisted of a CottreU .& Babcock cylinder press, a large job press and a large quantity of type, sufficient for any possible use. Major Critchlow was business manager of the paper. He was very popular with his old army comrades and the people generally, and he soon built up a good circulation, the paper paying expenses from the start. He was Major of the 100th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, known as the Roundheads, and had a specially good military record. After the Civil War was over he en- gaged in business as a member of the firm of Miner & Co., who were in business as lumber dealers and saw mill and planing miU operators. He was also a teacher of vocal music, possessing a rarely beautiful voice, and was in demand as a singer in the churches and at social meetings, as well as in political meetings, where his voice was inspiring in rendering patriotic songs. He married Caroline, daughter of Mr. John Miner, one of the most prominent business men and citizens of the valley. After retiring from the "N^ews," the Major engaged in the lumber business in West Virginia, where he died. He was a candidate for Congress in 1874, and carried his own county, but failed in the District nomination. F. S. Header was editor of the paper from the be- ginning. Having a taste for writing, he found this opportunity of gratifying it, and entered ardently on the work. He was then Chief Deputy Collector of Internal