Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/212

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170 HISTORY OP BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. Thomp Burton was engaged On the "Weekly News" for general work, for a short time. W. F. Hanrahan who published the "Beaver Falls Independent" in 1882, was the first reporter on the "Daily News" in New Brighton, and was one of the brightest writers in the county. He was succeeded by W. S. Fulkman who had solicited subscribers for the Daily, and worked on the case, and was reporter for a short time. Harry Palmer followed him, who later gave all his time to reporting the lower towns and soliciting ad- vertising. His successor was Mrs. Marion Williams news dealer, who reported a year or more, and was then compelled to relinquish it on account of her business re- quiring all her time. All of these reporters were quite satisfactory and the news columns were kept bright and covered the field. On the retirement of Mrs. Williams in 1888, Willard S. Reader was appointed reporter of New Brighton, which he has held ever since. The Beaver Falls reporters after Mr. Mathews were, J. E. McOlure one of the brightest local writers in the county, who remained with the "Daily News" until he went into the business for himself. He was reporter on the "Tribune," and for a number of years has repre- sented the Beaver "Star" in that city. He was succeeded by William M. Benham now an attorney in Pittsburg; then George Stemmeler for a short time; L. L. Carson now a newspaper writer of Pittsburg; T. C. Deitrick and W. B. Ramsey two of the "News" ap- prentices, who served well. The present reporter is Edward Towsend Corbus, son of John Corbus Beaver Falls, and grandson of the late Samuel Corbus and Dr. Isaac Winans of New Brighton. He was born in New Brighton March 26, 187*7, and moved to Beaver Falls in 1881. He was educated in the public schools of Beaver Falls, and was graduated in the class of 1895. He attended Geneva College in the fall of