Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/41

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EXELY DEMOCRATIC PAPERS. 25 impartially, the principal argument of our adversaries, whilst, at the same time, we will maintain our own views with becoming zeal and earnestness. But in so doing we will endeavor to avoid that rancor and personal ia- vective so justly offensive to decency and good sense. "We respectfully solicit the public support, R. B. BARKER, R. C. FLEESON." The Pittsburg, Pa., "Mercury," under date of Eebru- ary 28, 1834, contained the following notice of the paper; " 'Beaver River Gazette.' We have received the three first niunbers of a new paper of the above title, estab- lished at Beaver by Dr. R, B. Barker and Mr. R. C. Fleeson. It is a political and literary paper, and is con- ducted with great spirit and ability. A native of Pitts- burg, Dr. Barker is well known to our citizens as a chaste writer. His exertions, in conjunction with the con- tributions of his highly talented lady, will render the 'Gazette' interesting as a literary paper of no ordinary character. The friends of the administration will also find in it an able advocate of their principles." The reference to Mrs. Barker was not only a graceful act, but it was as well a merited tribute to a very fine writer in both verse and prose. The columns of the "Gazette" were enriched weekly by her contributions, and were doubtless as popular and eagerly looked for, as the bright and telling editorials of her husband. As showing the high esteem in which this gentle writer was held, whose history is a part of the newspaper history of the county, we quote the following from the Philadelphia "Telegraph" of March 16. 1889: "One by one death parts the ties which bind us to a generation now rapidly passing away, and which has charmed us by its bright examples. Of the select few whom we recall as illumining the recent past, none stand