Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/48

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32 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. Democratic Watchman. The first number of the "Democratic Watchman," the successor of the "Beaver Republican," appeared on Friday June 19, 1835, published by J. Beeson. It was supposed to be backed by the same men who owned and controlled the "Republican." It was the organ of the Wolf faction of the Democratic party, the Governor of the State for two terms and who was a candidate for a third term in 1835, as an Independent Democrat. Opposed to him were Joseph Ritner, Anti-Mason candi- date and Henry A. Muhlenberg Democrat, resulting in the election of Ritner. As the campaign advanced, the passages between the "Watchman" and the "Argus" be- came lively and personal. In the issue of July 22, the "Watchman" observed that "the last 'Argus' confesses that it wilfully made a false quotation from a corre- spondent in the 'Watchman.' " The '"Argus" copied the paragraph and added to it — "this is a wilful and bare- faced lie." The liveliest tilts however were between the "Watch- man" and the "Fallston and Brighton Gazette," a paper started August 5, 1835, in Fallston by Dr. E. K. Chamber- lain of New Brighton, and N. P. Fetterman Esq., of Beaver, representing the Muhlenberg wing of the party. The history of this paper appears among the Fallston papers. It was ably conducted and was a thorn in the side of the "Watchman." The enmity between the factions resulted in the defeat of both of them, and after the election the "Democratic Watchman" suc- cumbed to the inevitable, and was laid to rest in the second week of December. The "Gazette" lasted until the next year, when it came into competition with the "Aurora."