Page:History of the newspapers of Beaver County, Pennsylvania.djvu/56

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40 HISTORY OF BEAVER COUNTY PAPERS. he was very successful in his profession. His wife died in 1846. During the Mexican War he was surgeon of the First regiment of Ohio troops in General Taylor's command. He was popular as an army surgeon, and was known as "Old Medicine" among the troops, who held him in high and loving esteem. After peace was estab- lished, he was appointed surgeon on a committee named by the President, to establish boundaries between Mexico "and the United States. The committee went to Cali- fornia, and while there the Doctor became interested in the gold mines. When California was erected into a State, he was elected to the State Senate and was made the first president of that body. He contracted fever on the isthmus of Panama in 1852, and died December 25, 1852. N. P. Fetterman Esq., was born in Northwestern Pennsylvania February 4, 1804. He studied law in the oiFice of his brother W. W. Fetterman Esq., Beaver, Pa., and was admitted to the Bar August 14, 1825. He re- moved to Bedford, Pa., where he was elected to the legis- lature for three successive terms. In 1830 he returned to Beaver, where he lived until 1849, when he removed to Pittsburg, establishing a partnership with his nephew, G. L. B. Fetterman Esq. Prior to the Civil War Mr. Fet- terman was a strong member of the Democratic party, and took a prominent part in its campaigns, but during the war he became a strong supporter of the Union cause, and gave two sons as members of the 101st Pa. Volunteers. He was married December 28, 1828, to Miss Anna M. Dillon of Bedford, Pa., and had eight children. He died in 1877. The paper was an able one, far beyond. the ability of the community to support it, and the defeat of the Demo- cratic party, made the task of publishing a difficult, and eventually a hopeless, one. Accepting the inevitable, the