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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.


Joſephus the fifth Maſter's Interceſſion.

DREAD Sir! may I beg your attention to the following example? Hippocrates, famous phyſician, took to aſſiſt him his couſin Galenius, who ſoon became more expert than he, whereat, he endeavoured to hide from him his art, though in vain, for his prompt wit ſupplied other defects: So that ſending him to viſit great perſons in their ſickneſs, he ever cured them; which created ſuch jealouſies in Hippocrates, that he killed and buried him. But he falling ſick, ordered his ſcholars to fill a caſk of water, which they did, and, though an hundred holes were bored in it, yet none would iſſue hence; whereupon, he ſaid he was a dead man, for, as no water came out of the caſk, ſo no virtues came out of the herbs to cure his diſeaſe; but, if his couſin had been alive, he could have cured him; thus complaining, he died. For this example ſaid the Emperor, my ſon ſhall not die.

The Empreſs hearing of this reprieve, came and ſaid: Great Sir, when the King of the Goths invaded Rome, he had a ſteward named Goadus, when one evening, being merry with wine, he ordered him to