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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.

taken with her voice and perſon; they each took convenient times (without acquainting one another) to treat about enjoyment; to which ſhe ſeemingly contented, in conſideration, as ſhe was but poor, they brought a hundred florins a-piece, and ſhe appointed them to come ſingly at different times, and ſhe would receive them: which done, ſhe acqainted her huſband adviſing him to ſtand with his ſword drawn, and, as they entered, to kill them; which he performed, and taking away their money, threw their bodies into the ſea. Soon after, the Knight and his lady quarrelled, and he ſtriking her ſhe cried out in the hearing of many, O you monſter! will you kill me, as you did the three Knights. They being miſſed, created a ſuſpicion; upon which they were both ſeized, confeſſed the fact, and were afterwards executed.--Then ſaid the Emperor, my ſon ſhall not die.

Upon this the Empreſs came and ſaid, My Lord, In Armenia reigned a King, who had a beautiful wife, on whom he doated; and that none other might enjoy her, he confined her in a caſtle, and kept the keys himſelf.

The queen, after four days confinement dreamed ſhe ſaw a Knight who was enamoured with her, and ſhe no leſs with him. Now, there was a Knight who had heard of her beauty, and left his country to ſee her, at finding ſhe was confined, rode about