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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.

almoſt ſwear it was my, Queen; before he could go to prove it, ſhe was returned, and in her uſual dreſs. In the end, the Knight deſired the King to give him this Lady in marriage, which he did, giving them great riches, with a ſhip to convey them to Greece, where the Knight had large poſſeſſions; and, ſolemnly taking leave, they ſet ſail; at which time the King ſet his eyes after them till out of ſight, and afterwards, went to divert himſelf with the Queen; but coming into the caſtle, behold ſhe was fled! He, ſuſpecting the ſcheme, fell into great lamentations. Even ſo, ſaid ſhe, will it befal you, if you thus give way to your Maſters. To prevent the like, ſaid the Emperor, they with my son to-morrow ſhall die.


Diocles the ſeventh Maſter's Interceſſion.

THE ſeventh Maſter, named Diocles, came and ſaid, Know, Sir, that in Epheſus lived a Knight who married a Lady, upon whom he doated, that he could not endure her out of his ſight; but playing at cheſs, and he holding a pen-knife in his hand, ſhe hit her finger againſt it, which the Knight ſeeing, fell into a ſwoon, and