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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.

ſlew her.—Then, ſaid the maſter, You have underſtood what I related? to which he replied, Full well, and am of opinion ſhe was the worſt of women, therefore, for the words of a woman, my ſon ſhall not die.


The Prince's Complaint of the Empreſs.

THE ſeventh day the Maſters brought the Prince to the Emperor, who ſaid, Hail, Royal Father, Heaven can witneſs the falſity of the accuſation laid againſt me; for, inſtead of my having tempted the chaſtity of the Empreſs, it was ſhe that tempted me to lewdneſs with her, which refuſed; and becauſe I would not ſpeak, the planets having threatened my life, if in ſeven days I ſpoke one word, ſhe fell into a rage and accuſed me: Nor is ſhe nice in her honour, for, under the cover of a female garment, ſhe keeps a youth to ſupply your place; and ſend for her attendants, and I will make it appear. At this the Emperor ordered them all to be called in, and the perſon the Prince pitched on, proved to be a man, who confeſſed he had lain with the Empreſs ſeveral times; this ſo enraged the Emperor, that he caſt them into priſon, and the Prince told the following ſtory.———In Paleſtine