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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.

ſeeing, ran and told the lady the news, who with them concluded the hound had devoured his ſon; whereupon the father ſtruck off the hound's head; but, afterwards, found his miſtake. So, ſaid the maſter, it will happen unto you.—Then ſaid the Emperor, ye ſhall not die.


Lentullus the ſecond Maſter's Interceſſion.

THE Empreſs hearing that the Maſter had prevailed with the Emperor; came and beſought him, that his ſon might be put to death, leſt it happen to him as to a wild boar, thus: There was a mighty Emperor, whoſe empire was waſted by a boar, which obliged the Emperor to proclaim, That whoſoever killed him, ſhould have his daughter in marriage, and after his deceaſe, the empire. Many attempted, but in vain, until a ſhepherd, with only a ſtaff, reſolved to venture on him, but, beholding his tuſks, &c. was afraid to touch him, therefore, betook to a tree, on which grew delicious fruit, but the boar ſhaking it ſo, he was fearful of its falling, therefore, threw down the fruit thereof which ſo ſatisfied him, that he lay down to ſleep, in the interim, the ſhepherd deſcended, and ſtruck the beaſt to