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Wiſe Maſters of Rome.


Cratoa the third Maſter's Interceſſion.

THE Empreſs being exceeding outrageous, and the Emperor finding nothing would divert her fury, promiſed her his death once more. There lived, ſaid ſhe, a Knight at Rome, who ſpent great riches, and was reduced to poverty, ſo that he was about to ſell his inheritance; but his ſon and two daughters urged the contrary; whereupon he reſolved with his ſon to break into the Emperor's treaſury; he did ſo, and took thence as much gold as both could carry. They attempted it again a ſecond time, the father went firſt, and was caught in a trap; whereupon he told the ſon to ſtrike off his head, leſt being diſcovered his family ſhould die. The ſon, accordingly complied, and bore away the head; but the next morning the body being found, was, bу the Emperor's order, dragged about the city, with command, that wherever they heard any weeping, as the body paſſed by, to enter that houſe, and convey thoſe therein, to the gallows, for of that houſe was he Lord; when the body came near the Knight's houſe, the daughter ſhrieked, when, to prevent the diſcovery, the ſon wounded