Page:History of the two children in the wood (1).pdf/18

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with him about it, but not being able to get the secret from him, she urged it no further.


How Androgus met with Rawbones and Wou'dkill and agreed with them to murder his brother’s children.

ONE day Androgus being very pensive, as he walked by a wood-side he met two sturdy fellows with grim looks who made acquaintance with him and required him to go with them to the next ale house, which he, after some repulse, consented to do, and there after a while drinking, one of them demanded the cause of his melancholy, who being a little mellow, told them the reason was, because there stood a quick hedge between him and his deceased brother’s estate. And is that the cause! said one of the bloody minded villains. Why man continued he, never let that grieve you, you know that a hedge may be removed; nay, grubbed up, and a free passage made Ah, ah, said the other, it may be well managed, without the least suspicion. Could it be, said the wicked Androgus, I would give an hundred marks. Upon these and the like discoures,