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you here, and as I am in want of a wife, and you are anxious to get your daughter settled in life, if you promiso her to mo in marriage, I will savo you." The Queen looked at tho frightful littlo wretch, and was struck with such horror at his disgusting appearanco, that she could not utter a word; but at that moment tho lions making their appearance, sho was so dreadfully frightened, that sho cried out, "Save me, good Sir Dwarf, and my daughter is yours." Immediately the

Dwarf caused the treo to open, and tho Queen having entered, it closed again.

Nothing could exceed tho astonishment of the Queen, for she instantly found herself in her own palace, dressed in a superb robe of curious lace, and attendod by tho Princess and the other ladies of the court. At first the Queen began to think all that passed was only a dream;