Page:History upon death or, The mirror of man's misery.pdf/10

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When Christ begins for to propone,
the dreadful doom of life and death,
The hopeless soul shall faint and groan,
before the sentance pass their teeth,
With weeping eyes and doleful voice,
they shall lament most piteously
That ever they were made, alas!
this makes me dread when I shall die,
They shall be safe I dare well say,
who are well rul'd at his right hand,
And pass to heaven the self same day
with music, mirth and angels band.
But wretches all which have done wrong.
shall cry to hills and mountains high,
That they would fall them down upon.
this makes me dread when I shall die
Then in his wrath he shall cry forth,
depart from me ye cursed band,
For on the poor ye had no reuth,
Nor flood in awe at my command,
Therefore begone, no longer stay,
my face again you ne'er shall see,
But fill in darkness to remain.
this makes me dread when I shall die.
Then if their doom be once out-gone,

remeed shall then be past for ay,