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CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. Taking of Sedan ..... Murder of HeurylV.; Lewis XIIT. King States-General of Paris Kail of the Concini Ministry of Luynes Taking of Montpellier Ministry of Richelieu Taking of La Rochelle War of IMantua Rebellion of Gaston of Orleans France joins in the Thirty Years' War Conspiracy of Cinque ALors , Death of Richelieu Ministry of Mazarin Lewis XIV. King .... Battle of Rocroy .... Battle of Nordlins^en .... Peace of Westfalia ; French annexation in Elsass ..... The Fronde ..... Battle of Dunkirk .... Peace of the Pyrenees . Death of Mazarin .... Lewis XIV. buys Dunkirk from Charles I [ Lewis XIV. conquers Franche Comie Peace of Aix-laChapelle War of Lewis XIV. with the United Provinces . French Settlement at Sural Battle of ScnefT . Lewis XIV. takes Valencieimes, Cam bray, and .St. f)mer Peace of Nimwegen Lewis XIV. seizes Strassburg Bombardment of Genoa Dispute with Innocent XT. 1606 1610 1614 1617 1617 1622 1624 1628 1628 1632 1635 1642 1642 1643 1643 1643 1645 1648 1648 1658 1659 1661 1662 1368 1668 1668 1668 1674 1677 1679 1681 1684 1682