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INDEX. 231 Gcnfva, annexed by Buonaparte, 181. (jenlis, Madame dc, 202. Genoa, settlement of Calvin at, 100 ; b mbarded by Lewis XIV., 142 ; drives out the Austrian?, 156; made into the Ligurian Republic, 178. Gen ese archers at Crecy, 54. Ge.- ffrey Martel, Count of Anjou. wars of Henry 1. and William of Nor- mandy with, 16 ; gttardian of Hubert, Count of Ma^ne, ib. ; al- liance of Henry with, against William, ib. ; defeated at Varav.Ue, ib. Geoffrey, Count of Anjou, marries the Empress Matilda, 21 ; conquers Normandy, 24 ; his death, ib. Ge jfl'rey, s n of Henry II. of England, betrothed to Constance of Britanny, 24 ; rebels against his father, 25 ; his death, 26. Ge.flrey cf Harcourt, persuades Kdward III. to land in Normandy, 54- George II. of England defeats NoaiUes at Dettir.gen, 155, George III. of England, 160. Gisars, Conference at, between Henry II. of England and Lewis VII., 25- Client, rising m, under Jacob van Artevelde, 53 ; revolts against Lewis le Mnle, 62, 63. Gibraltar, English conquest of, 149. Girondins, moderate pariy in the Le- gislative Assembly, 168 ; in the Nati nal Convention, 171 ; arrested by the Jacobins, 172 ; their execu- tion, 173; survivors of, head the National Convention, 175. G jbel. Archbishop of Pans, renounces Christianity, 174. Godfrey of Bouillon, first King of Jerusalem, 17. Godoy, minister of Charles IV. of Spain, i8g. Gonzalvo di Cordova, 93. Goths, settlement of, in Gaul, 4. Gozlin, Bishop of Paris, defends the City against Northmen, 7 ; death of, ib. Grand Alliance, formed against Lewis XIV., 148. Gr.and Army, the, for the invasion of Russia, 192. Granson, battle of, 85. Grasse, Count de la, naval defeat of, 163. Gravelines, battle of, 104. Gravelotte, battle of, 212. Great Schism, the, 63. Greek, study of, encouraged by Lewis XL. 87. Gregory V., Pope, pronounces Robert II. 's marriage with Bertha invalid, 13- , Gregory' IX., Pope, his advice to Lewis IX., 38 ; fails to stir up Lewis against Emperor Frederick II., 39 Gregory XIII,, Pope, iii, 112. Grenada, French coluny of, 159; Eng- lish conquest of, 160. Grenoble, P.irhament of, created by Lewis XL, 87. Grevy, M., elected President of the Republic, 216 Guadabupe, French colony of, 159. Guillotine, the, great instrument of ex- ecuti n, 170 Guise, Francis, Duke of, sent to Italy by Henry II., 104; recalled, ib.; wins back Calais, ib. ; defeated at Gravelines, ib. ; rivalry of, with the Bourbons, 106 ; conspiracy of Cond^ against, ib. ; his share in the massacre of Vassy, 107 ; enters Paris and se- cures Charles IX., 108; besieges Rouen, ib.; victorious at Dreux, 109 ; his death, ib. Guise, Henry, Duke of. his attack on C ligny, iii; his share in the mas- sacre of St. Bartholomew, ib.; head of the Catholic League, 114; his mefting with Catherine of Medici, 115 : forces Henry II. to accept the terms of the League, 116; murder of, 117 ; his character, ib. Guizot, minister of Louis Philippe, 203 ; opposes reforms, 205 ; his policy attacked, ib.; resigns, 205 Gustavus, King of Sweden, joins thu coalition against Buonaparte, 187. Guy of Lusignan, King of Jerusalem, loses the battle of Tiberias, 26. Guy of Thenars marries Constance of Britanny, widow of Geoffrey of Anj u, 30. Guy, Count of Flanders, ally of Ed- ward I. of England, 46; war of, with Philip IV., ib.; taken pris ner, ib. ; released by Philip, 47 ; fails to quell the insurgents, ib.; returns to prison and dies, ib. Guy D'Auvergne, grand master of the Templars in Normandy, his impri- sonment and trial, 50 ; burnt, ib. H. Haiti, revolu-ion in, 184 Hadrian VI., Pope, 97. Hakem Khaiif, 13.