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250 INDEX. Flanders, ih.; helps Henry against Geoffrey of Anjou, ib. lakes Dom- frjnt and Alen^on, ib. gains the Knglish crown, ib. his rivalry with Philip I., ib. burns Mantes, ib.; h.s death, ib. ; Le Mans surrenders to, 19. William III of England (Prince of Orange), his war with Lewis XIV., 141 ; succeeds to the English throne, 146; his wars with Lewis, z'l!'. ; makes Peace of Ryswick, 147 ; j jins the Grand Alliance against Lewis, 148. Wiliiain I., King of Prussia, 211 ; surrender of Napoleon III. to, 212 ; enters Rheims, 213; at Versailles, ib. ; chosen German Emperor, 214. Witt, John de, murdered, 141. World, end of the, fixed by popular beUef for the year 1000, influence on men's minds, 13. " Worship of Reason," the, 174. Worth, battle of, 212. Y. Volande, daughter of Ren£ of Anjou, her marriage, 74. Vpres, 53. THE END. RICHARD CLAY AND SONS, LONDON AND BUNGAV.