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CLASSICAL LIBRARY. II TacitUS.—THE HISTORIES, books Iir.— v. By the same Editor. [/« the press. THE ANNALS. BOOKS L and IL Edited by J. S. Reid, M.L., Litt.D. In preparation. Terence.— HAUTON TIMORUMENOS. Edited by E. S. Shuckburgh, M.A. y. With Translation, 4?. 6^. rnORMIO. Edited by Rev, John Bond, M.A., and A. S. Walpole, M.A. 6,s. 6J. Thucydides. BOOK I^ Edited by C. E. Graves, M.A., Classical Lecturer, and late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, ^s. BOOK V. By the same Editor. [In the press. BOOKS L, XL, AND IH. Edited by C. Bryans, M.A. [/« preparation. BOOKS VI. AND VII. THE SICILIAN EXPEDITION. Edited l.y the Rev. Percival Frost, M. A., late Fellow of St. Jolni's College, Cambridge. New Edition, revised and enlarged, with Map. 5J-. Tibullus.— SELECT POEMS. Edited by Professor J. P. Postgate, M.A. _In preparation. Virgil. — zENEID. BOOKS IL and III. THE NARRATIVE OF ^NEAS. Edited by E. W. IIowsoN, M.A., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Assistant-Master at Harrow. 3^. Xenophon. — HELLENICA, BOOKS I. and II. Edited by H. Hailstone, B.A., late Scholar of Peterhouse, Cambridge. With Map. i^s. 6d. CYROPyEDIA. BOOKS VII. and VIII. Edited by Alfred Goodwin, M.A., Professor of Greek in University College, London, ^s. MEMORABILIA SOCRATIS. Edited by A. R. Cluer, B.A., Balliol College, Oxford. 6s. THE ANABASIS. BOOKS I.— IV. Edited by ProfesorsW. W. Goodwin and J. W. White. Adapted to Goodwin's Greek Grammar. With a Map. ^s. HIERO. Introduction, Summaries, Critical and Explanatory Notes and Indices, and Critical Appendix. Edited by Rev. IL A. HoLDEN, M.A., LL.D. Third Edition, revised, y. 6J. OECONOMICUS. By the same Editor, With Introduction, Explanatory Notes, Critical Appendix, and Lexicon. Fourth Edition. 6s.

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CLASSICAL LIBRARY. (i) Texts, Edited with Introductions and Notes, for the use of Advanced Students. (2) Commentaries and Translations.