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26 l^rACiMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Smith. — EXERCISES IN ARITHMETIC. Crown 8vo, limp cloth, 2s, With Answers, 2s. 6ii. Answers separately, 6d, SCHOOL CLASS-BOOK OF ARITHMETIC. iSmo, cloth. 3^. Or sold separately, in Three Parts, is. each, KEYS TO SCHOOL CLASS-BOOK OF ARITHMETIC. Tarts I., IL, and III., 2s. 6ii. each. SHILLING BOOK OF ARITHMETIC FOR NATIONAL AND ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. i8mo, cloth. Or separately, Tart I. 2d. ; Part IT. yl. ; Part HI. ^d. Answers, 6d. THE SAME, with Answers complete. iSuio, cloth, is. 6d. KEY TO SHILLING BOOK OF ARITHMETIC. iSmo. ^. 6d. EXAMINATION PAPERS IN ARITHMETIC. i8mo. is. 6d. The same, with Answers, iSmo, 2s. Answers, 6d. KEY TO EXAMINATION PAPERS IN ARITHMETIC. i8mo. 4 J. 6d. THE METRIC SYSTEIM OF ARITHMETIC, ITS PRIN- CIPLES AND APPLICATIONS, with numerous Examples, written expressly for Standard V. in National School-;. New Edition. i8mo, cloth, sewed, ^d. A CHART OF THE METRIC SYSTEM, on a Sheet, size 42 in. by 34 in. 011 Roller, mounted and varnished. New Edition. Price 3^. 6d. Also a Small Chart on a Card, price id. EASY LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC, combining Exercises in Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Dictation. Part I. for Standard I. in National Schools. Crown Svc, gd. EXAMINATION CARDS IN ARITHMETIC. (Dedicated to Lord Sandon.) With Answers and Hints. Standards I. and II. in box, is. Standards HI., IV., and V., in boxes, IS. each. Standard VI. in Two Parts, in boxes, is. each. A and B papers, of nearly the same diillculty, are given so as to prevent copying, and the colours of the and B papers differ in each Standard, and from those of every other Standard, so that a master 01 mistress can see at a glance whether the children have the proper papers. Todhunter.— MENSURATION FOR I;EGINNERS. By I. ToDiiUNTER, M.A., F.R.S., D.Sc, late of St. John's College, Cambridge. With Examples. New Edition. i8mo. 2s. 6d. KEY TO MENSURATION FOR BEGINNERS. By the Rev. Fr. L.wvrence McCarthy, Professor of Mathematics in St Peter's College, Agra. Crown 8/0. "js. 6d, ALGEBRA. Dalton. — RULES AND EXAMPLES IN ALGEBRA. By th«  Rev. T. Dalton, M.A., Assistant-Master of Eton College. Part T. New Edition. i8mo. 2s. Part II. i8mo. 2s. f>d. •-• A Key lo Part I, for Teachers only, Ts, 6d.