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MAiniiMAriCb. 29 Lock.— EUCLID FOR BEGINNERS. Being an Introduction to existing Text-books. By Rev. J. B. Lock, M.A., author of "Arithmetic for Schools," "Trigonometry," "Dynamics," "Elementary Statics," &c. [In preparation. Mault— NATURAL GEOMETRY: an Introduction to the Logical Study of Mathematics. For Schools and Technical Classes With Explanatory Models, based upon the Tachy- metrical works of Ed. Lagout. By A. Mault. l8mo, is. Models to Illustrate the above, in Box, lis. 6d. Millar. — elements of descriptive geometry. By J. B. Millar, M. E., Civil Engineer, Lecturer on Engineering in the Victoria University, Manchester. Second Edition. Cr. 8 vo. 6s. Stevens. — Works by F. H. Stevens, M.A., formerly Scholar of Queen's College, Cambridge, Master of the Military and Engineer- ing side, Clifton College. EUCLID. BOOK XL Propositions! — 21 with alternative proofs, Exercises, and Additional Theorems and Examples. Globe Svo. [In preparalion. ELEMENTARY SOLID GEOMETRY AND MENSURATION, containing the matter included in the above mentioned volume, with a section on Polyhedrons and Solids of Revolution, treated geometrically and numerically, with exercises in the mensuration of Plane and Solid Figures. Globe Svo. [/« the press. Syllabus of Plane Geometry (corresponding to Euclid, Books I. — VI.). Prepared by the Association for the Improve- ment of Geometrical Teaching. New Edition. Crown Svo. s. [/n (Ae press. Syllabus of Modern Plane Geometry. — Association for the Improvement of Geometrical Teaching. Crown Svo. Sewed, is, rodhunter. — the ELEMENTS OF EUCLID. For the Use of CoUegesand Schools. By I. Todiiunter, M.A., F.R.S., D.Sc, of St. John's College, Cambridge. New Edition. iSmo. 3^. 6J. KEY TO EXERCISES IN EUCLID. Crown Svo. 6s. 6J. Wilson (J. M.). — ELEMENTARY GEOMETRY. BOOKS I. — V. Containing the Subjects of Euclid's first Six Books. P'ol- l>jwing the Syllabus of the Geometrical Association. By the Rev. ]. M. Wilson, M.A., Head Master of Clifton College. New Edition. Extra fcap. Svo. 4^. 6d. TRIGONOMETRY. Beasley. — an elementary treatise on plane TRIGONOMETRY. With Examples. By R. D. Beasley, M.A. Ninth Edition, revised and enlarged. Crown Svo. ^s. 6d.