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Alexander (T.).-— elementary APPLIED MECHANICS. Being the simpler and more practical Cases of Stress and Strain wrought out individually from first principles by means of Ele- mentary Mathematics. By T. Alexander, C.E., Professor of Civil Engineering in the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokei, Japan. Crown 8vo. Part I. 4s. 6d. Alexander — Thomson. — elementary applied MECHANICS. By Thomas Alexander, C.E., Professor of Engineering in the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokei, Japan ; and Arthur Watson Thomson, C.E., B.Sc, Professor of Engineering at the Royal College, Cirencester. Part II. Trans- VEiiSE Stress ; upwards of 150 Diagrams, and 200 Examples carefully wo.-ked out. Crown 8vo. los. 6J. Ball (R. S.). — EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS. A Course of Lectures delivered at the Royal College of Science for Ireland. By SirR. S. Ball, LL.D., F. R.S., Astronomar Royal of Ireland. Second and Cheaper Edition. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 6s. Bottomley.— FOUR-FIGURE MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Comprising Logarithmic and Trigonometi-ical Tables, and Tables of Squares, Square Roots, and Reciprocals. By ]. T. Bottomley, M.A., F.R.S.E., F.C.S., Lecturer in Natural" Philosophy in the University of Glasgow. Svo. 2s. 6d. Chisholm. — THE SCIENCE OF WEIGHING AND MEASURING. AND THE STANDARDS OF MEASURE AND WEIGHT. By H. W. Chisholm, Warden of the Standards. With numerous Illustratio is. Crown Svo. 4^-. 6d. {Nature Series). Clarke. — a table of specific gravity for SOLIDS AND LIQUIDS. (Constants of Nature: Part I.) New Edition. Revised and Enlarged. By Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, Chief Chemist, U.S. Geological Survey. Svo, 12s. 6d. (Published for the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, U.S. of America.) Clausius. — MECHANICAL THEORY OF HEAT. By R. Clausius. Translated by Walter R. Browne, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Crown Svo. lo^. 6d. Cotterill. — APPLIED mechanics : an Elementary General Introduction to the Theory of Structures and Machines. By James H. Cotterill, F.R.S., Associate Member of the Council of the Institution of Naval Architects, Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Professor of Applied Mechanics in the Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Medium Svo. iSj-. ELEMENTARY MANUAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS. By the same Author. Crown Svo. {In preparation. Gumming. — AN INTRODUCTION TO THE THEORY OF ELECTRICITY. By Linn^us Gumming, M.A., one of the Masters of Rugby School. With Illustrations. Crown Svo. 8j. 6</.