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MACJMILJ.AJN b l:,UUL,AllUiNAi. UAlALUt^Uil. MEDICINE. Brunton. — Works by T, Lauder Brunton, M.D., D.Sc, F.R.C.P., F.R.S., Assistant Physician and Lecturer on Materia Medica at St. Bartholomew's Hospital ; Examiner in Materia IMedica in the University of London, in the Victoria University, and in the Royal College of Physicians, London ; late Examiner in the University of Edinburgh. A TEXT-BOOK OF PHARMACOLOGY, THERAPEUTICS, AND MATERL MEDICA. Adapted to the United States I'harmacopceia, by FRANCIS H. Williams, M.D., Boston, Mass. Third Edition. Adapted to the New British Pharmacopoeia, 1885. Medium 8vo. 21 s. TABLES OF MATERIA MEDICA : A Companion to the Materia I^Iedica Museum. With Illustrations. New Edition Enlargjed. Cheaper Issue. Svo. 5^. Griffiths.— LESSONS ON PRESCRIPTIONS AND THE ART OF PRESCRIBING, By W. Handsel Griffiths, Ph.D., L.R.C.P.E. New Edition. Adapted to the Pharmacopoeia, 1S85. i8mo. y. 6d. Hamilton.— A TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGY, SYSTEMA- TIC AND PRACTICAL. By D. J. Hamilton, M.B., F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S.E., Professor of Pathological Anatomy, Uni- versity of Aberdeen. Copiously Illustrated. Vol. Il Svo. 255. Klein.— MICRO-ORGANISMS AND DISEASE. An Intro- duction into the Study of Specific Micro-Org.inisms. By E. Klein, M.l)., F.R.S., Lecturer on General Anatomy and Physio- logy in the Medical School of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London. With 121 Illustrations. Third Edition, Revised. Crown 8vo. 6s. THE BACTERIA IN ASIATIC CHOLERA. By the Same Author. Crown Svo. 55. White.— A TEXT-BOOK OF TREATMENT BY OTHER MEANS THAN DRUGS. By W. II.le White, M.D., F. R. C. P. , M. R. C. S. Crown Svo. [/« ///«• fress. Ziegler-Macalister. — TEXT-BOOK OF PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY AND PATHOGENESIS. By Professor Ernst ZiEGLER of Tubingen. Translated and I-'.dited for English Students by Donald Macalister, M.A.,M.D., B.Sc.,F.R.C.P., Fellow and Medical Lecturer of St. John's College, Cambridge, Pliysician to Addenbrooke's Hospital, and Teacher of Medicine in the University. With numerous Illustrations. Medium Svo. Part L— GENERAL PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Second Edition. 12s. dd. Part II.— SPECIAL PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY. Sections l._VIII. Second Edition. s.(>d. Sections IX.— XH. Xls.dd.