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76 MACMILLAN'S EDUCATIONAL CATALOGUE. Macmillan's Foreign School Classics {conimuei) — VOLTAIRE— CHARLES Xn. Edited by G. E. Fasnacut. y.M.

  • ^* Other volumes to Jollozu.

(See also German Authors, page 77-) Masson (Gustave). — a compendious dictionary OF the FRFNCH language (French-English and Enghsh- French). Adai)ted from the Dictionaries of I'rofessor Alfred Elwall. Followed by a List of the Principal Diveiging Derivations, and preceded by Chronological and Historical Tables. By Gustave Masson, Assistant-Master and Librarian, Harrow School. New Edition. Crown 8vo. 6s. Moliere. — LE MALADE IMAGINAIRE. Edited, with Intro- duction and Notes, by Franxis Tarver, M.A., Assistant-Master at Eton. Fcap. 8vo. 2s. 6d. (See also Mjcmillan's Foreign School Classics.) Pellissier. — FRENCH ROOTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. A Synthetic Vocabulary, based upon Derivations, for Schools and Candidates for Public Examinations. By EuGENE Pei.LISSIER, M.A., B.Sc, LL.B., Assistant-Master at Clifton College, Lecturer at Uuiversity College, Bristol. Globe 8vo. 6.f. GERMAN. HUSS.— A SYSTEM OF ORAL IN.STRUCTION IN GERMAN, by means of Progressive Illustrations and Applications of the leading Rules of Grammar. By Hermann C. O. Huss, Ph.D. Crown Svo. S-^- Macmillan's Progressive German Course. By G. Eugene Fasnacut. Part I. — First Year. Easy Lessons and Rules on the Regular Accidence. Extra fcap. Svo. is. bd. Part II. — Second Year. Conversational Lessons in Systematic Accidence and Elementaiy Syntax. With Philological Illustrations and Etymological Vocabulary. New Edition, enlarged and thoroughly recast. Extra fcap. Svo. y. GJ. Part III. — Third Year. In preparation, TEACHER'S COMPANION TO MACMILLAN'S PROGRES- SIVE GER^LN COURSE. With copious Notes, Hints for Different Renderings. Synonyms, Philological Remarks, &c. B) G. E. Fasnacht. Extra Fcap. Svo. First Year, 4j. dd. Second Year. 4j. 6</. Macmillan's Progressive German Readers. By G. E. Fasnacht. I. — First Year, containing an Introduction to the, German order of Words, w ith Copious Examples, extracts from German Auiiiors in Prose and Poetry ; Notes, and Vocabularies. Extra Fcap. Svo., Zf. td.