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(iii) ordered that the Director-General of the National Archives of Australia pay Professor Hocking's costs at first instance; and
(c) the Director-General of the National Archives of Australia pay Professor Hocking's costs of the appeal to the Full Court.

3. The Director-General of the National Archives of Australia pay Professor Hocking's costs of this appeal.

On appeal from the Federal Court of Australia


B W Walker SC with T J Brennan for the appellant (instructed by Corrs Chambers Westgarth)

S P Donaghue QC, Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth, with C L Lenehan SC, D M Forrester and J A G McComish for the respondent and the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth, intervening (instructed by Australian Government Solicitor)

Notice: This copy of the Court's Reasons for Judgment is subject to formal revision prior to publication in the Commonwealth Law Reports.