Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/161

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some noise, and with an imperative gesture seemed to impose silence on some one. Finally, after all these mysterious demonstrations, he stooped, took up his lantern, and returned by the same way that he had come. The justice followed him carefully, Daniel descended, went to the stable, saddled a horse, conducted him to the court yard, and after having remained a short time with his head bent, in the posture of a servant who is receiving the orders of his master, he put the horse back into the stable, and went back to his chamber, of which he took care to bolt the door. This strange scene gave birth in the mind of the justice, to the idea that a crime had been committed, in the castle, and that Daniel had been either the accomplice or the witness of it.

The following day, towards dark, Daniel having presented himself in his room to perform certain details of his duty, the justice took him by both hands, and made him sit down in an arm-chair opposite to him.

"Tell me, now," said he to him, "my old Daniel, what you think of the disagreeable suit now pending between Hubert and young Roderick?"

"Ahem, ahem! what is it to me which of them shall be master here?" answered Daniel, winking his eyes and lowering his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"What is the matter with you, Daniel?" continued the justice, "you tremble all over as if you had committed a crime. It would be said, on seeing you, that you had just passed a very restless night."

Daniel, instead of answering, arose heavily, and tried to go out of the room, throwing an unmeaning look around him. But the justice, forcing him into his chair again, said to him harshly,

"Stay, Daniel, and tell me immediately what, you did last night: or rather explain to me what I saw?"

"Well, in God's name, what did you see?" said the old man, shudderingly.

The justice related the nocturnal scene that I have just