Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/271

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"I will not," said she, "allow myself to be contradicted; I am still sick with fright; and at no price will I allow you to go and hear the finest singing of Formica. It may be that this master Nicolo is in league with that bandit Antonio Scacciati; and I strongly suspect——"

"Good God! what an idea!" continued Nicolo, with a vivacity which admitted of no reply; "could you suppose, Signora, that I was capable of being in so cowardly a plot? But if my word is not sufficient to tranquillize you, why not have Michael and a good company of police accompany you, to watch around the theatre?"

"This proposition reconciles me to you," said Marianna; "excuse me for having doubted your loyal intentions; but an affectionate niece is allowed to tremble for the safety of so dear a relation; and notwithstanding the possibility of procuring an escort, I beg of him to remain prudently at home."

Pasquale had listened to this conversation with an expression on his face which sufficiently testified the hesitation of his thoughts. When Marianna had finished speaking, he embraced her with truly picturesque affection, and exclaimed, with tears in his eyes:

"Divine, adorable creature! this care that thou takest in all that concerns me is the sweetest confession for my heart of the secret sentiments which modesty hides in thy breast! Banish all fear, dear angel, and do not deny thyself the joy of hearing the applause which will crown thy beloved uncle's master-pieces, the glorious name of which will fly to-morrow from mouth to mouth, until they shall reach the ears of remotest posterity!"

Thanks to the entreaties of Nicolo, Marianna ended by yielding, promising to go herself to the brilliant representation of Formica. The soul of Pasquale Capuzzi already swam in heavenly delight; but he wanted, to complete his happiness, other witnesses than Marianna; he wished to take with him willingly or unwillingly doctor Pyramid and Pitichinaccio, but the success of this feat was slightly doubtful.