Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/47

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"I am," replied the young man, "a journeyman cooper of some merit, and I want work."

Master Martin started back, struck with surprise at seeing so stout a workman present himself in his precise time of need. He examined the new comer, and, pleased to find him so vigorously formed, he hastened to ask him for the certificates of the masters with whom he had worked.

"I have nothing of that kind with me," replied the young man "but in a few days I will send for them; at present I think it quite sufficient to give you my word as an honest and good workman."

And without giving master Martin time to seek for an answer, the young journeyman, going to the end of the workshop, threw into a corner his cap and his travelling bag, exclaiming, in a decided manner—"Let us see, master Martin, what shall I begin with?"

Master Martin, very much surprised at this unceremonious manner, which did not seem to admit of the possibility of a refusal, reflected a few minutes; then, addressing the stranger—"Comrade," said he to him, "since you are so sure of yourself, give me an off-hand proof of your skill. Take an adz, and shave and finish polishing the hoops that are to encircle this hogshead."

The stranger workman did not wait for a second bidding, and in the twinkling of an eye the trial job was perfect. "Well," said he, then, with his joyous laugh—"well, master Martin, do you still doubt my skilfulness? Now, then, I should like to examine a little the quality of the tools that are used here."

Speaking thus, he moved them about, examining each article in its turn, with the eye of a connoisseur. "Master," said he, from time to time, "what is this hammer, I pray you? Is it not one of your children's toys? And this little adz, is it not for the use of the apprentices?" At the same time whirling in his powerful hand an enormous hammer, which Reinhold could not have used, and which Frederick