Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/59

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"Dog!" howled master Martin, foaming with rage; and snatching from old Valentine's hands a stave that he was scraping, he struck Conrad a rude blow on the shoulders with it. The journeyman was nearly stunned for a moment, his eyes flashing, as he gritted his teeth. "Struck!" exclaimed he, hoarsely; and, siezing the biggest adz in the workshop, he threw it with all his force at master Martin, whom Frederick had only time to push aside. The edge of the tool, (the stock of which would have split open the old man's head,) only wounded him in the arm, from which blood flowed. He lost his equilibrium, and fell over an apprentice's bench.

They all threw themselves before Conrad, whose fury was exasperated by the evil which he had done. His strength, redoubled by anger, put aside all resistance, and, raising the bloody adz, he was about to strike a second blow, when Rosa, who had heard the noise, came running in, pale as death. Conrad was disarmed by her appearance; and, throwing away his murderous weapon, he folded his arms on his breast, and remained for a moment as immoveable as a statue. He then by an inward struggle returned to consciousness, and uttering a cry of grief, he fled.

No one pursued him. The witnesses of this scene raised master Martin, who was covered with blood. It was then discovered that the injury was only a flesh wound. The old man Holzschuer, who had taken refuge behind a pile of boards, then ventured to make his appearance. He commenced a scorching tirade against trades that place in the hands of ignorant people such murderous weapons, and begged Frederick to quit this workshop, and come back to his first trade, the art of moulding and carving metals.

As for master Martin, when he came to himself, and found that he was more frightened than hurt, he had only words to regret the damage caused to the tun for the prince, bishop of Bamberg.

After this event, they had master Martin and Mr. Holzschuer carried back in a sedan chair. Frederick and Reinhold