Page:Hoffmann's Strange Stories - Hoffman - 1855.djvu/72

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thing at your solicitation. But, for the rest, I will not relinquish my resolution; and, as to the marriage above all, there will never be any more relations between him and my daughter."

As he was saying this, dwelling on each syllable, Rosa came into the room, pale and trembling, and placed upon the table a flagon of the famous Hochheim wine and three glasses,—"It must be, then," said Holzschuer, "that I allow poor Frederick to depart, who has resolved, in his grief, to expatriate himself? And yet, look, dear master, look at this work in carving that he has executed at my house, under my supervision, and say, if you can, that there was not in this young man material for a great artist. It is a farewell remembrance that he asks you to allow your daughter to accept. Only look at this pretty work!" And master Holzschuer drew from his pocket a silver goblet, delicately wrought; and master Martin who prided himself upon his good taste, examined it very carefully. It was, indeed, a little masterpiece. Around it ran a wreath of vines and roses, and from each blown rose peeped the figure of a little angel, carved with perfect grace. The bottom on the inside, lined with gold, was ornamented with similar little figures; and when you poured into the goblet a flood of golden wine, these little smiling angels seemed to move as if to rise to the surface.—"I confess that this is an excellent piece of workmanship," said master Martin, "and I will keep this cup if Frederick will accept twice the value of it in good new ducats."

Saying this, master Martin filled the goblet and emptied it at a draught. At this moment the door was softly opened, and Frederick, disfigured by grief and the tears that he had shed, appeared and remained immovable at the entrance of the room, in the attitude of a criminal who is about to hear his condemnation. Rosa, who perceived him first, uttered an exclamation, and fell lifeless into his arms.

Master Martin dropped the goblet, and looking at Frederick fixedly, as if he had seen a spectre, he arose, and said with emotion—"Rosa, Rosa, dost thou then love this Frederick?"