Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/113

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i JAN STEEN 89 are walking together by a canal. The girl watches the boy, who is dropping a mussel into his mouth. " The figures are about twelve inches high and are painted with singular truth and naivete of character " (Sm.). Canvas, about 20 inches by 16 inches. In a private collection, Amsterdam, 1833 (Sm.). Possibly identical with "The Boy eating Treacle" (322). 324. CHILDREN FRYING PANCAKES. Sm. 23, and Suppl. 23 ; W. in. Two boys and two girls are in a kitchen. A girl seated in the middle is frying pancakes. Behind her stands a laughing boy, who pinches a cat by the ear. A little dog jumps up at his knees and barks at the cat. Near the young cook a child is seated in an infant's chair, holding a pancake. The other boy behind the child has a bowl of porridge and a spoon with which he pretends to feed the cat. Panel, 36^- inches by 31^ inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall, London, 1894, No. 42. A similar picture was in a sale, London, 1749, j49- Sales. Gerard Braamkamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771 (Hoet, ii. 508), No. 212 (850 florins, P. Schuckink). Countess of Holderness, London, March 6, 1802, No. 67 (i 15:103., Dermer). Afterwards in the collections of Sir Charles Bagot, Heris, and Bentley (Sm. 1842). In the collection of Lady Mildmay in 1833 (Sm.), and in that of Henry St. John Mildmay, London, 1894. In the possession of the dealers P. and D. Colnaghi, London, 1896. Now in the collection of J. Hage, Nivaa, Denmark. 325. Boys coming out of School. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1699 (Hoet, i. 45), No. II (47 florins). 325*. Children at Play. Panel, 8 inches by 6^ inches. Sale. J. F. Wolschot, Antwerp, September I, 1817, No. 207. 326. St. Martin's Fire. A large fire burns in front of some peasant's cottages. Numerous children look on with interest. An old woman leads a frightened child past it ; a maid-servant holds another by the arm. At the door of a house sits a man quietly looking on j his wife enters the house. Moonlight. Spirited and broad in style. Panel, 24 inches by 20 inches. Sales. C. H. van Heemskerck, The Hague, August 26, 1782, No. 38 (62 florins). Clicquet-Andrioli, Amsterdam, July 18, 1803, No. 46 (108 florins, Coders). S. J. Stinstra and others (supplementary), Amsterdam, May 22, 1822, No. 227. 327. A Boy removing Vermin from his Dog's Coat. Warm in tone and delicate in execution. Oval, 24 inches by 20 inches. In the Vivant Denon collection, Paris, 1826, No. 118.