Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/115

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i JAN STEEN 91 Mariette Herculens rests upon Houbraken's story that the artist took the girl some cakes in order to win her favour. The story, as Westrheene suggests, was probably invented to explain the picture. Signed in full in the left-hand bottom corner ; panel, 15^ inches by 10 inches. A pendant to "The Physician's Visit" in the same collection (135). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1885, No. 133 ; and at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1904, No. 312. In the Van Loon collection, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Albert Levy, London, 1884 (304 : ios., Colnaghi). Now in the Stephenson Clarke collection, London. 334. The Woman at her Needle. In a room a comely girl is seated on a chair ; she wears a fur-trimmed jacket, and is threading a needle to darn a stocking which she has just taken off. Near her sits a man, who is laughing and jesting with her. Spirited and well executed. Panel, 13 inches by io| inches. Sales. Amsterdam, November 14, 1791, No. 130. S. J. Stinstra and others, Amsterdam, May 22, 1822, No. 164. 335. The Needlewoman Asleep. The wife of Jan Steen sits asleep in a room at a table, on which is a sewing cushion. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. In the Rinecker collection, Wiirzburg, in 1863 (Parthey, ii. No. 4). Sale. V. Bauchau and others, Brussels, February 3, 1874, No. 59. 336. An Interior. To the right in a room sits an elegant young woman in a fur-trimmed jacket ; she is mending linen. Near her sits an aged lover who holds a glass of wine in his left hand and watches her attentively. To the left a youth stands by the table, covered with a cloth, on which are a pewter pot, a plate of oranges, and a glass. A dog walks across the floor. It is a spirited composition, well lighted, and clear and careful in execution. Panel, 15 J by 15 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, April 9, 1773, No. 558. P. C. Hasselaar, Amsterdam, November 28, 1797, No. 15 (142 florins, Spaan). 337. A Domestic Scene. An old woman spins ; a young man reads a book attentively ; behind him are a couple making love. In the back- ground is a man in bed. It is a good picture and admirably composed. Canvas, 21 inches by 20 inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. D. 66. 338. A DOMESTIC SCENE. Sm. Suppl. 103 ; W. 60. In a room with a large projecting chimney-piece, a maid-servant is laying the cloth. Near her are seated a boy and a girl, who are playing with a dog. Several persons are conversing near the chimney-piece. "Full of spirit and carefully executed, but somewhat darkened in tone" (Waagen). Canvas, 24! inches by 17^ inches (about).