Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/118

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94 JAN STEEN SECT. and looks attentively at the lady. To the right is a wall, overgrown with creepers and decorated with red drapery. To the left is a landscape. Canvas, 13 inches by uj inches. Possibly another " Bathsheba." [Cf. 14 and 15.] Sale. De Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 96. 349. THE WOMAN MAKING CAKES. The woman, dressed in red, with a blue apron and a reddish purple skirt, sits in the open air before a cooking pan. In her left hand she holds a knife ; with her right hand she takes money from a girl standing to the left. Near her, to the right, is a table with butter and fruit. Farther away is a large cloak ; a brown earthenware pot stands on the ground. To the left behind her stand a man in a broad-brimmed hat and an old woman. The group is sheltered by a large tree. To the right is a fence with an open door, through which a man is departing.' Described by Waagen (ii. 247). Now in the collection of Sir Audley Neeld, Grittleton House. 349*7. A Woman making Cakes. W. 465. Several other persons are eating and drinking. 8 inches by 9^ inches. A pendant to " The Drunken Woman " (753*)- Sale. J. W. Heybroek, Rotterdam, June 9, 1788. 349^. An Old Woman baking Cakes. She is surrounded by several children, who express their delight. A charming picture full of naive humour. Panel, 8 inches by 9 inches. Sale. B. Ocke, Leyden, April 21, 1817, No. 129 (75 florins, Tijs). 349^. A Woman making Cakes. Panel. Sale. Rotterdam, June 9, 1828, No. ill. 350. Cake-making. Full of humour, transparent in colour, and spirited in execution. In the collection of W. Lambert, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 336). 351. A MAN AND WOMAN MAKING EGG-FLIP. In a homely room sits a woman beating up eggs ; a man with a tall hat standing to the right is grating a nutmeg. On the table are a napkin and a square bottle. To the left is the hearth ; a jug stands on a ledge in the corner. It is a fine and well-preserved picture, delicate and simple in colour, and spirited in execution. The still-life is delicately rendered. Signed in full in the right-hand bottom corner; panel, i6J inches by 12^ inches. Exhibited at The Hague, 1881 and 1890, No. 102 ; and at Utrecht, 1894, No. 430. Sale. Jan Jacob Brants, Amsterdam, April 20, 1813, No. 28 (400 florins, De Vos).