Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/120

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96 JAN STEEN SECT. behind her is a boy with a lighted lantern. To the left a boy sits by the fire, laughing at a little girl who blows upon her cake. Beyond them is a man lighting his pipe ; still farther back are three persons drinking at a table upon which is a lighted candle. A girl enters at the open door, through which the moon shines in. The characters are spiritedly represented, and the effects of light are well rendered. It is excellent in colour and broadly painted. Canvas, 35 inches by 30^ inches. Sale. Jonkheer E. J. de Court van Valkenswaard, Dordrecht, April 12, 1847, No. 153 (690 florins, Van den Blijk). 357. A Kitchen. In a room like a kitchen, meat, fish, vegetables, and other articles of food lie on tables and benches and in tubs. In the centre sits the cook with her neck bare ; near her stands a man who looks sideways at a cat, at which a dog is barking. Signed in the left-hand bottom corner, not very clearly, "Jan Steen, 1675 " ; canvas, 28^ inches by 37^ inches. Sale. Stiels and others, Cologne, May 24, 1897, No. 226. 358. An Interior, with a Woman frying Sausages. Also a boy with a bird. Panel, 26 inches by 20 inches. Sale. Pirell and others, London, March 27, 1899, No. 12. 358*. A Kitchen Interior. In the centre a kitchenmaid, wearing a lace cap and a frilled collar, holds up in both hands a dressed chicken and a joint of beef. She turns sharply to the right towards a boy who brings in a dead duck, a basket of eggs, and a pot. To the left is the kitchen- table, with implements, meat, and game. The figures are half-length. Canvas, 46 inches by 64 inches. Formerly in the collection of Baron van Loo. Now in the Metropolitan Museum, New York ; purchased (1906) from the Van Loo collection (No. 30 in " Catalogue of a Temporary Exhibition," April 1906). 359. THE CARCASE OF A PIG. From a beam hangs the carcase of a pig. Near it are a woman and a boy who is blowing out a pig's bladder. The woman is dressed in blue, white, red, and brown. She wears vine-leaves in her hair, and makes a very pleasing impression. To the left is a window with a fine effect of light. Signed on the left, half-way up the canvas, but attributed, nevertheless, to an unknown Dutch painter ; canvas, i8| inches by 15 inches. Now in the Liege Museum, 1903 catalogue, No. 183; given by Saint Martin. 360. The Carcase of a Pig. It hangs from a beam. The entrails lie in a trough near by ; the butcher's implements are in a basket. Two men are by the hearth. It is all very spirited in execution. Canvas, 41 inches by 33^ inches. Sate. Huybert Ketelaar, Amsterdam, June 19, 1776, No. 224 (30 florins 5, Roos).