Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/139

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i JAN STEEN II5 440. A Distinguished Company Feasting in the Open Air. W. 340. Numerous persons are diverting themselves in a park. In the centre sits a young man beside a pretty girl in a silk gown. A boy offers him a glass of wine. Near the girl stands a well-dressed youth who plays the lute. To the right a man sits playing the flute ; near him are seated a woman and a child. To the left a stout man is jesting with a girl. Another man converses with a maid-servant who brings a bowl of lemons. In the background is a stately mansion in a wood. On the steps of the house two boys are blowing soap-bubbles. Before it several groups are promenading ; others are watching two women play at ball. There are various accessories two dogs, two peacocks, statues, and so forth. Canvas, 26 inches by 34^ inches. Sales. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No, 398 (200 florins, Fouquet). Amsterdam, December 5, 1796, No. 104 (300 florins, Thompson). Meffre aine, Paris, February 25, 1845, No. 86. Heris, Brussels, June 19, 1846, No. 69. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 104. 441. THE WANDERING MUSICIANS. To the left, before a house-door at which a woman and a man are standing, a musician plays the flute and is accompanied by a boy on the drum. On one side of the door stands a figure ; on the other side an old man sits on a bench. A little girl and a somewhat older girl with a child listen. In front of the drummer is a dog. To the right stand a boy and a little girl on a low flight of steps. Near them on a terrace a man is jesting with a maid- servant. To the right is a half-open garden-door, through which is seen a church-tower. It is a wide picture. Exhibited in the Palais Bourbon, Paris, 1873, No. 336. [Described from Braun's photograph, No. 16,459.] 441 a. Steen's Mother with a Mandoline. Sale. G. Smith, London, 1880 Gir5 : ios., Heseltine). 442. A MUSIC- PARTY. Sm. 176 ; W. 124. At an open window to the left a well-dressed man with a plumed hat possibly Jan Steen him- self sits on a bench, upon which he rests one foot, and plays a lute. He looks at a young woman dressed in blue silk, who sits at a table to the right and sings from a music-book. A youth sitting on the right-hand side of the table accompanies them on the flute. In the foreground a little boy pretends to play a 'cello with a clay pipe. On the right a young man-servant descends a staircase with a glass of wine in his hand. In the foreground a dog barks at a cat which is licking a bowl. On the back wall hangs Rubens' " Lion Hunt," now at Munich. Through the open window to the left is seen a windmill. Signed in full on a music-book on the table, and dated 1666 ; canvas, 34 inches by 40 inches. In the collection of Sir Charles Bagot, Bart., 1833 (Sm.). Sale. Demidoff, San Donate near Florence, March 15, 1880, No. 1054.