Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/250

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226 JAN STEEN SECT. 836^7. A little Scene in a Brothel. In the inventory of the effects of Jakob Lakemann, who died on February 28, 1693, drawn up by the notary C. Ypelaer; priced at 36 florins (A. Bredius). 836^. A little Picture of a Scene in a Brothel. Sale. Amsterdam, April 13, 1695 (Hoet, i. 26), No. 32 (l 8 florins 10). 8366-. A little Picture of a Scene in a Brothel. Sale. Amsterdam, May 16, 1696 (Hoet, i. 37), No. 65 (52 florins). 836^. A Merry Pickpocket. Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1699 (Hoet, i. 45), No. 12 (72 florins). 836*. The Cutpurse. 'W. 405. Very notable. Sale. Rotterdam, April 27, 1713 (Hoet, i. 365), No. 6 (82 florins). 8367: A Young Man in Love, lying in Bed. W. 407. Very entertaining. Sale. The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 7), No. 81 (63 florins). 836^. An Old Man with a Courtesan. With several figures and accessories. Very comic. i8| inches by 14 inches. Sale. N. C. Hasselaar, Amsterdam, April 26, 1742, No. 22 (300 florins). 836/2. An old Fool in Bed. 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. The Hague, July 15, 1749, No. 29 (26 florins 10). 836;'. Merry Company. A man offers money to a girl. It is a fine picture and carefully executed. 28 inches by 34 inches. Sale. Rotterdam, June 28, 1756, No. 21 (58 florins). 8367. A Peasant in a Brothel. Sale. Hendrik Bagh, Leyden, August 24, 1761, No. 13 (12 florins). 836^. A Peasant diverting himself with a Peasant Woman. Another woman picks his pocket. Sale. Daniel Marsbag, Amsterdam, October 30, 1775, No. 104 (a pendant to No. 103 : see 607). 837. A Girl holding a Goblet. With other accessories. Panel, 10 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Jacob Spex, The Hague, May 21, 1777, No. 141 (8 florins 5). 838. A Scene in a Brothel. Sm. 40 ; W. 292. There are about eighteen figures. In the foreground sits a merry trumpeter holding a bottle and a glass. On the floor to the right a man is roasting oysters ; near him a woman lies asleep in a comic attitude. A merry girl sits beside a musician at a table with other persons. To the left an old man