Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/504

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480 PIETER DE HOOCH SECT. Above the fireplace hangs a picture. To the left of this is a shelf, holding three plates and two pots, with three jugs hanging beneath. Farther to the left is a window, by which hangs a cage. In the left foreground is a table with a cloth and a pail upon it. The picture is careful in execution and delicately clear in the chiaroscuro. Canvas. Mentioned by Waagen, p. 414. Very probably the picture No. 20 in the Juda van Benjamin, sen., sale at Amsterdam, November 4, 1782, which was painted on canvas and measured 19 inches by 24 inches ; but the window in this picture was described as being open. Now in the collection of Prince Jussupoff, St. Petersburg. 13. MOTHER BESIDE A CRADLE. De G. 83. This represents a dark room, partly illumined by sunlight, which streams through the window, and is reflected in the tiles of the floor. A young mother sits with her little girl on her lap, and points with her left hand to the cradle standing beside her. The woman wears a red skirt, the girl a yellow skirt. To the right is the fireplace ; beside it is a four- post bed, at which a servant-maid is busy. The open door gives a clear view of a street beside a canal. It is almost the same composition as the picture formerly in the Van der Hoop collection (2). It is dark, un- attractive, and late. Signed indistinctly "P.D. HOO " ; canvas, 21 inches by 26 inches. Mentioned in an inventory of 1816. Now in the National Museum at Stockholm, No. 473 in the 1900 catalogue. 13*. Picture with a Woman and Child. Sale. Amsterdam, April II, 1698 (Hoet, i. 43), No. 20 (21 florins). 13^. A Woman laying a Child in a Cradle, in an Interior. Sale. Dav. letswaart, in Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 250), No. 191 (16 florins 10). Compare the picture in Fleischmann collection (8). 14. Woman and Child in an Interior. A woman standing gives her child drink from a mug. In the middle distance an open window looks upon a building. Canvas, 25^ inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Isaak Walraven, in Amsterdam, October 14, 1765, No. 15. [Identical with i]. 15. Interior with a Woman and Child. An interior, in which a woman is sitting with her child. An open door looks on a courtyard, in which a maid-servant is sweeping. Panel, 30 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. Stephan Loquet and others, The Hague, September 8, 1789, No. 74 (7 florins, De Graaf). 1 6. Mother beside a Cradle. The mother sits facing the spectator.