Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/77

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i JAN STEEN 53 to be fainting. To the right is a table with a rich cover ; upon it are an inkpot and a paper inscribed " Als ik my niet verzind Is deze Meid met kind. Jan Steen." (" If I am not mistaken, this girl is with child.") The whole picture is as delicate in execution as a G. Metsu. [Possibly identical with I74.[ Panel, 10^ inches by 10 inches. Sales. P. van Spijk, Leyden, August 23, 1781, No. 93 (430 florins). Kien van Citters, Amsterdam, August 21, 1798, No. 73 (57 florins, Soleman). 147. The Physician's Visit. W. 258. A sick girl leans against a table, from which hangs a cloth. Near her is a physician who feels her pulse. Behind her is a laughing youth, with a herring in his hand. It belongs to the artist's best period. Canvas, 10^ inches by 8 inches. Sales. J. A. van Kinschot, Delft, July 21, 1767, No. 50 (72 florins). The widow S. A. Westerhof, nee Van der Schagen, Amsterdam, May 16, 1781 (106 florins). 148. The Physician feeling a Sick Woman's Pulse. A man behind her listens with smiling face and inquisitive demeanour to the verdict of the physician, and rests his arm on the woman's chair. He holds his hat in his hand. It is wittily composed and well painted. Panel, n^ inches by 14-^ inches. Sale. M. Stategaart, Alkmaar, July 27, 1802, No. 3 (35 florins). 149. The Physician's Visit. A young physician with smiling face examines the urine of a sick girl ; an old maid-servant awaits the result of the inspection. It is beautiful in expression. Signed in full ; 27^ inches by 23^ inches. Sale. C. van Hardenberg, Utrecht, September 20, 1802, No. 78 (22 florins, bought in). 150. The Blood-Letting. A young lady, seated in the middle of a room, is being bled, while several persons look on. It is a beautiful composition, artistically treated. Panel, 12 inches by 14^ inches (probably 14^ by 12). Sale. Amsterdam, April 24, 1811, No. 119 (75 florins, Van Yperen). The following was possibly a copy of this. Cf. the Turenne picture. 150*7. Preparations for the Blood- Letting. Surrounded by her husband, her three children, and her mother, a young woman, seated, stretches out her bare leg to the surgeon, who is in the act of completing the operation. He is hindered by the old mother, who gives him advice