Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/79

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i JAN STEEN 55 155*7. The Physician and a Woman visiting a Sick Girl. By J. Steen, or after his manner. Panel, 18^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. C. R. S. Toe Laer, Amsterdam, July 28, 1828, No. 86 (5 florins 10, Roelvinck). The Love-Sick Girl. Sm. Suppl. 14. She is seated in a well- appointed room, wearing a fur-trimmed velvet jacket, and leans her left elbow on a table. The physician feels her pulse. Behind her stands a woman who significantly folds her arms on her bosom, and also by the expression of her face shows that medical advice is useless. Described from a copy by Sm. (1842). 156. The Love-Sick Girl. Sm. 120; W. 248. A young girl, attired in a pale purple silk dress, is seated, with one hand in her lap and the other resting on a table covered with a Turkey carpet. She looks attentively at the physician, who is writing a prescription at the other side of the table ; its inutility is indicated by the significant smile of a man standing on the physician's right. A boy with a syringe and an elderly woman stand behind the girl. On the wall hangs a picture of Venus and Cupid. Panel, 18^ inches by 14^ inches. In 1833 (Sm.)-in the possession of the Amsterdam dealer De Lelie, who priced it at 2500 francs. A picture of the same dimensions was in the sale of P. J. and B. van der Muelen of Coblentz, Amsterdam, August 22, 1850, No. 67. Sale. Th. Patureau of Antwerp, Paris, April 20, 1857 (5000 francs). 157. THE LOVE-SICK GIRL. Sm. Suppl. 7 ; W. 249. A pretty girl, wearing a red velvet jacket and a silk skirt, is seated beside her bed ; she rests one hand on her lap. An elderly woman behind her offers her something to drink in a glass. At a table covered with a Turkey carpet, on the other side of the room, a physician is writing a prescription. A boy shows him the contents of a bottle. A gentleman and a maid- servant stand in the doorway at the back. On the floor is a sheet of paper inscribed, " Hier baet geen medisijn, want het is minnepijn." In front of it is a charcoal-pan with a cord hanging out. On the wall is a picture of lovers embracing. Over the doorway is a statuette of Cupid triumphant. Signed in full on .the left near a trunk ; panel, 22 inches by 17 inches. Exhibited in Berlin, 1906, No. 133. Sold by Noe of Munich in 1834 to an Englishman for 2O - Now in the collection of James Simon, Berlin. 158. The Physician's Visit. The girl sits in a chair, leaning against a cushion. The physician holds in his hand a flask. Behind them is an old woman. At the back is an open door ; the furniture is of an un- common type. Panel, 13 inches by 10 inches. Sale.?, van Romondt and others, Amsterdam, May 11, 1835, No. 134 (80 florins, De Boer). Possibly the picture in the Stephenson Clarke collection (? ?) (135).