Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/84

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60 JAN STEEN SECT. Signed in full at the bottom of the notice; oak panel, io inches by 9 inches. Sale. A van der Werff van Zuidland, Dordrecht, July 31, 1811, No. 101 (53 florins, Rombouts). In the Rombouts collection, 1850. In the Dupper collection, Dordrecht. Now in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1903 catalogue, No. 2247 ; from the L. Dupper bequest, 1870. 179. THE VILLAGE SURGEON. A peasant, seen to the knees, sits in an arm-chair to the right ; he appears to be screaming with pain at an operation which the surgeon is performing on his ear. A woman with a white kerchief looks on anxiously. To the right is a view of a landscape with a large tree. The signature, "J. Sten," is a forgery ; panel, 9^ inches by 8 inches. Sales. Nicolaas van Breemen (Hoet, ii. 483), The Hague, April 3, 1769. Steyaert van de Bussche, Brussels, August 19, 1856 (purchased for the Brussels Museum). Now in the Brussels Museum, 1900 catalogue, by Wauters, No. 447. 1 80. THE DENTIST. Sm. 8 ; W. 12. In a village square the dentist has set out his apparatus, consisting of a chair and board, on an empty barrel marked with the arms of Leyden j upon the board are phials, little pots, a case of instruments, a parchment with a wax seal and an inscription beginning "Carolus comes," with the date 1651. The dentist, who wears a tall felt hat, a grey costume, a brown cloak, and a chain round his neck, has just gripped the tooth of a patient, who writhes in agony ; the man is dressed in blue, and in his contortions has allowed one stocking to slip down. Five village children look on with curiosity or amusement. A woman with a basket on her arm wrings her hands. Behind her are three other peasants ; in the background are houses and trees. It is very sketchily rendered ; the picture is not among the best works of Steen in the gallery. Canvas, 13 inches by 10^ inches. Described by Ch. Blanc. In the W. Lormier collection at The Hague, purchased by Bern. Wannaar (Hoet, ii. 439). Sale. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763, No. 251 (160 florins, T. P. C. Haag, for the Stadtholder William V. ; Terw. p. 330, No. 251, and p. 711). Now in the Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague, 1895 catalogue, No. 165. 181. AN ITINERANT QUACK DOCTOR. Surrounded by spectators. Ascribed to C. Dusart in the catalogue, but unquestionably a genuine Jan Steen. Panel, n inches by 8 inches. In the E. Harzen bequest. Now in the Kunsthalle, Hamburg, 1887 catalogue, No. 51.