Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/89

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i JAN STEEN 65 Probably the " Room in a peasant's cottage, in which a quack doctor surrounded by spectators is performing an operation," of the Van Beyma thoe Kingma and others sale, Amsterdam, October 25, 1876, No. 79. A panel measuring 12 inches by 14 inches. 199. A Sick- Room. A woman lies in bed ; the notary is making her will. Powerfully painted by Jan Steen or in his manner. Canvas, 23 inches by 32 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 7, 1804, No. 152. 200. The Village Surgeon. A peasant is having a plaster put on his leg by the village surgeon, while an assistant holds him firmly. In the background an old man jests with a woman, and offers her a purse of money. It is portrayed with talent and is neatly painted. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 13, 1809, No. 139 (30 florins). 20 1. The Quack Doctor. He stands on his platform, and com- mends his wares to numerous spectators. It is a very spirited com- position. Panel, 20 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Utrecht,- April 22, 1811, No. no. 202. The Operation. A peasant has an operation performed on his head by a surgeon. His wife stands near with folded hands. In the background a woman enters at the door. Spirited and lifelike. Panel, 19^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. D. Bosch and others, Haarlem, June 10, 1812, No. 1 8. 203. The Dentist. A peasant, who has a basket of eggs and poultry with him, is having a tooth drawn. Humorous in characterisation and excellently painted. 13 inches by 10^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 24, 1815, No. 105 (32 florins, Vinkeles). 204. The Wound in the Shoulder. In a surgery a man is having his wounded shoulder examined. A boy stands near ; farther back are a woman with her left arm in a sling and an assistant who is making a plaster. Humorous and excellently painted. ii inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 24, 1815, No. 106 (9 florins 5, Gruyter). 205. A Old Man looking at a Wound on his Hand. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 2, 1818, No. 66 (10 florins, Schmidt). 206. A Surgeon's Consulting-Room. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 2, 1818, No. 67 (21 florins 10, Darius). VOL. I F