Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 1, 1908.djvu/99

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i JAN STEEN 75 to Wouwerman. To the right is a white horse, with many other horses. On the left is a group before an inn. In the foreground are dogs disport- ing themselves. Now in the Brocard collection, Moscow (A. Bredius). 251. Village with a Pig-Market near an Inn. With many jovial figures. Panel, 15 inches by 19^- inches. Sale. H. A. van Bleiswijk, Rotterdam, July 23, 1827, No. 1 1 1 (100 florins, Lelie). 251*7. Pig-Market in a Village. A man in the foreground wheels a pig in a barrow. Two drunken peasants lie on the ground. One is being raised up by two women. On a rising ground are a merry peasant and a woman. Near them is a fiddler. Under a verandah before the inn some peasants are seated. There are numerous other figures, including men who are buying pigs. Sale. Amsterdam, May 17, 1839, No. 37 (223 florins). 252. THE FISH-MARKET AT LEYDEN. Sm. 83 and 178; W. 366. A dense crowd of people is buying and selling in an open market-place. In the centre of the foreground a dealer under an awning is bargaining with an old woman. Near them are two burghers ; farther to the left is a third man carrying away a net full of fish. The booths extend along the bank of the "new Rhine" into the background. To the right is the Maarsmanssteeg. The corner house on the right hand bears the name of " The Elephant." The tower of the town hall is seen above the houses to the left. In the centre of the background is the Corn Bridge. A workman is pushing a barrow with a sack of flour in it. Signed with the monogram on the sack; canvas, 17 inches by 22^ inches. Sales. Soeterwoude, Leyden, August 14, 1767, No. 5. London, 1806 (441). G. Schimmelpenninck, Amsterdam, July 12, 1819, No. 115 (*5 florins, Lelie). W. A. Verbrugge, The Hague, September 27, 1831, No. 58 (365 florins, Hagens). Viruly van Vuren en Dalem of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, 1880. Purchased in 1881 by the Frankfort Kunstverein. Now in the Stadel'sches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort, 1900 catalogue, No. 216*. 253. THE FISHMONGER. Sm. 177; W. 97. An elderly man with a grey beard and a woollen cap offers a fish to a young girl. Near the booth are a boy and a girl. Behind the fishmonger stands a young man, smoking a pipe. Another man leans on the half-door of a house. To the right is a fine landscape. It appears to have been over-restored, but must have been a very good picture. Signed in full on the edge of a barrow to the right ; panel, 22 inches by 17 inches.