Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/114

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9 8 AELBERT CUYP SECT. 312. COWS AND FIGURES IN A HILLY LANDSCAPE. In a hilly landscape rising towards the right, with Italian buildings and ruins, two cows are lying down in the centre foreground. One, a light- coloured cow, faces left ; behind it, a brown cow faces right amidst bushes. In the right middle distance a metal milk-can stands in front of a fence. Behind it is a herdsman, and farther away in the distance is a young man, with a long stick over his left shoulder, who turns his head to the front. In the left middle distance near a placid lake are two sports- men with their dogs. One stands facing the spectator, and with out- stretched left hand grasps a thin branch of one of the two trees completing the composition on the left. The other man sits on the left, in three- quarter view with his back to the spectator, and seems to be examining his musket. W. Burger compares the picture with the large landscape in the Louvre (332). It is a good and genuine, if not a very attractive picture. Signed in the left-hand bottom corner, A. Cuijp ; canvas, 42 inches by 60 inches. Mentioned by W. Bllrger, La Galerie de M. M. Pe'reire. Sales. Is. Pcrcire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 115 (9200 francs). Count M. de Camondo, Paris, June 14, 1902, No. 119. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of loo Paintings," 1902, No. 6. Sale. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 25 (25,000 francs, Mersch). 313. HERDSMAN WITH CATTLE AND SHEER On the bank of a placid lake, filling the background, the herdsman in red and blue stands leaning on a stick, with his back to the spectator. To the right near him are some sheep and two cows lying down ; on his left is his dog. On the right along the lake is a row of small houses in front of trees. In the foreground, to left and right, are bushes and a hedge. On the lake in the distance are sailing-boats. A cloudy sky. Canvas, 27^ inches by 40 inches. In the collection of Max Kann, Paris. Sale. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 27 (3950 francs). 314. A HERD OF COWS WITH HERDSMAN BY A LAKE. Evening. A very dark foreground. To the right is a big dark tree-stump, and on the extreme left, farther back, is a tree both serving to frame the composition. On the right are two herdsmen ; one stands in profile to the right ; the other sits on the ground, turning three- quarters left and looking at the first man. On the left is the herd, partly standing, partly lying down. In the right foreground, in shadow, are two cows, one lying down and the other standing. In the distance is a lake. Golden evening light. It is similar to the Rijksmuseum picture (407). It is early but not of special importance. Signed, in the right-hand bottom corner, A. Cuijp; panel, 16 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 28 (2800 francs).