Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/148

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132 AELBERT CUYP SECT. Farther away to the left are a man and woman with a flock of sheep. To the right are rocks and hills, and the ruins of a round tower. In the distance to the left is a flat country with a river. In the foreground, beside the road, are water and bushes. A fine summer evening. Signed, A. Cuyp ; canvas, 40 inches by 60 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 20). Exhibited at the British Institution, 1826 and 1827 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1885, No. 101. Sales. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 82 (1250 florins, Fouquet). Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June n, 1800, No. 30 (3200 florins, Telting). In the collection of King William IV., 1834 (Sm.). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London. 433. HERDSMAN WITH COWS, AND A RIDER, NEAR A RIVER. Sm. 264. On the left is a broad river, with a small town on the farther bank and a lofty hill beyond it. In the foreground, at the side, a sportsman hidden among bushes is shooting ducks. On the right is a road passing between high trees ; a cavalier with his back to the spectator sits on a grey horse, conversing with a herdsman. Near them are two cows standing, and a bull with two cows lying down. Farther away are peasants with sheep. Evening but Sm. speaks of the "brilliant effect of the morning sun." "This beautiful picture merits the highest commendations " (Sm.). Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 60 inches by 96 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 480). Engraved by W. Elliot. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1815 ; and at the London Guildhall, 1894, No. 45. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, Richter's 1884 catalogue, No. 38 ; it was there in 1834 (Sm.). 434. LANDSCAPE WITH SHEEP AND SHEPHERDS: EVENING (or, Evening Ride near a River). Sm. 261. In the left foreground are a shepherd and shepherdess, with sheep and a goat, near a pool overhung with trees. Beyond them is a river, the farther bank of which is wooded. On the right, two horsemen come riding down a road, winding down the side of a steep hill ; the foremost rider is on a grey horse ; the second, some distance behind, is on a chestnut. The clear sky of a summer evening ; golden light, and warm shadows in the foreground. [Compare 467.] Signed, A. cuijp ; panel, i8 inches by 25 inches. Sm.'s description of the Barnard picture from the engraving by Major agrees exactly with this Dulwich picture. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 344). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1903, No. 99. Engraved by R. Cockburn, and by T. Major, 1769. In the collection of John Barnard, 1769. Sales. J. Barnard, London, 1798 (47, F. Bourgeois?) a "landscape with travellers" (Sm. 83).