Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/155

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vii AELBERT CUYP 139 talking to a huntsman with dogs. A shepherd with sheep, as well as some passers-by. A hilly landscape with high trees. In the middle distance a town stands in a river-valley. Canvas, 34^ inches by 36 inches. Sale. J. A. A. de Lelie and others, Amsterdam, July 29, 1845, No. 39 (466 florins, Gijsberti). 453*7. Cattle and a Horseman. A rider on a grey horse converses with another man. Two cows and some sheep. A hill in the distance. In the collection of F. Heusch, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 255). 454. Landscape with a Rider, a Herdsman, and Cows. Sm. 2O. In the right foreground are tall trees, beyond which a road winds through rocks round the base of a hill. Along the road a herdsman drives five cows two red, two black, and one white. Farther away are sheep with a shepherd lad and a little girl. To the left, in a rising ground, a horseman converses with a man on foot. Beyond is a view over a wide expanse of water bounded by hills. Sunshine. Canvas, 43 inches by 59 inches. Mentioned by W. Burger Tresors d" 1 Art en Angleterre, 268. Exhibited at Manchester, 1857, No. 712. Sales. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 80 (1555 florins, Yver ; Sm. says 555 florins, doubtless through a misprint). J. J. de Bruyn, Amsterdam, September 12, 1798, No. 16 (2900 florins, Van der Schley). Crawford, London, 1806 (388 : ios., Campbell). M. Zachary, London, 1828 (136$). In the collection of Frederick Perkins, 1833 (Sm.) and in 1857. 454*. A Man in Red on a Grey Horse. Herdsmen j two cows by a river. Sates. W. D. Cooper, London, 1861 (168, Pearce). London, 1864 (177, Chippendale). 455. A Rider, a Herdsman with Cattle, and other Figures. In the foreground near a river, at the foot of a hill crowned with ruins, herdsmen are grazing cattle. A man on a grey horse asks his way from a group of seven poor folk who are resting by the roadside. In the middle distance a herdsman drives three cows to a bridge, over which the road leads to a town on the farther bank of the river. Panel, 18 inches by 21 inches. Sales. Pierard, Paris, March 20, 1860, No. 12 (7000 francs). Due de Morny, Paris, May 31, 1865, No. 39 (6200 francs). 456. Two Cows, a Herdsman, and a Rider, near Ruins. Two cows are resting on a river-bank near ruins which have been transformed into peasants' huts. The herdsman stands leaning on his stick and con- versing with a man on a grey horse. Sunset. Panel, 18 inches by 22 inches.