Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/194

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i 7 8 AELBERT CUYP SECT. 594<r. Horses and Figures at a Stream. Buildings. A tall, narrow picture. Sales, Edward Coxe, London, April 23, 1807. 594^. Landscape with Horses being watered. Panel, io inches by 15 inches. Sale. Utrecht, April 22, 1811, No. 62. 595. Grooms watering Horses. Sm. 163. In the foreground of a hilly landscape is a pool in which boys are bathing, while men are water- ing or exercising six horses. A man on a grey horse rides out of the water. A man leading a roan and another man riding a dark grey are on the bank. A man with a boy behind him rides a brown horse. A group of persons mounted or on foot, with dogs, are on a hill-top near a clump of trees. A cold, rainy day. Copper, 1 6 inches by 20 inches. Sales. (Probably) J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 79 (530 florins, Beekman). P. N. Quarles van Ufford, Amsterdam, October 19, 1818, No. 8 (830 florins, Roos). Allen Gilmore, London, 1830 (Stanley). 596. Grooms watering Horses. Sm. 192. In the foreground a groom rides a black horse ; a second, on a grey, leaves the water ; the third, on a bay, comes from an archway. Panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. In the collection of the Duke of Grafton, 1834 (Sm.). 597. Two Horses at the Watering-Place. A grey horse ridden by a boy, and a brown horse ridden by a man. In the distance are boats on a river. In the collection of Sir A. Campbell, Garscube, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 292). 598. The Watering- Place. Two riders on a grey and a bay. A third man is making two horses swim. In the collection of Howard Galton, Hadzor House, Droitwich, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 221). 599. Grooms watering Horses. Sm. 237. In the foreground is a river with an old bridge. A man on a grey horse rides out of the water ; another stands on the bank while his horse drinks ; the third, mounted on a bay and leading another horse, rides forward. Sm. thought it a copy by Cuyp after Wouwerman. Panel, 13 inches by 16 inches. Engraved by Moitte. . Sale Rev. Sir Richard Robinson, London, 1832 ^36 : 155.). In the collection of General Phipps, 1834 (Sm.) and 1854 (Waagen, ii. 228). 600. Horses watering. Sm. 160. "Of excellent quality" (Sm.). [This corresponds exactly to 593. Compare 60 1.] [Pendant to 340.]