Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/27

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vii AELBERT CUYP 11 8. The Flight into Egypt. 1 8 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Mrs. Romilly, London, 1878 (304 : IDS., Colnaghi). 9. CHRIST ENTERING JERUSALEM. In the centre Christ, wearing a purple robe, rides to the right upon a she-ass, which is covered with a red cloth. In the road, before and behind Him, a crowd of people are casting down their garments and strewing palms. On the left some men have climbed trees to get a better view. In the back- ground, to the right, on a hill, rise the towers of Jerusalem, whither the people are going in a long train. The picture has been a little over- cleaned. It is interesting but not attractive. Signed in the left-hand bottom corner, A. Cuyp ; canvas, 28 inches by 36 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 286), and C. Hofstede de Groot, Oud Holland, xi. 138. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1903, No. 95. In the collection of Archibald M'Lellan, Glasgow, purchased by the Town Council, May 1856. Now in the Glasgow Art Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 254. 9/7. The Conversion of Saul. Sale. Amsterdam, January 24, 1763, No. 62 (2 florins, De Winter). 10. The Conversion of Saul. See Sm. 35. A rich composition, finely painted, full of fire and striking effect. Probably by Benjamin Cuyp. Panel, 27^ inches by 35 inches. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 101 (325 florins, Keelman). lOrf. The Conversion of Saul. Doubtful whether by Aelbert Cuyp. Sale.D. M'Intosh, London, 1857 (8 1 : i8s., Wellesley). io. The Conversion of Saul. Sm. 35. Numerous figures and horses are thrown into confusion by the appearance of a bright light streaming from the heavens. Saul, dressed in scarlet, lies prostrate near the centre. His dapple-grey horse, with a blue saddle, bounds forward with fright. The soldiers around Saul are either lying down or running away ; one holds a spear and presses his disengaged hand to his head. In the foreground are wild plants ; in the background is a* castle on a hill. Signed to the right on a stone, A. Cuyp; canvas, 31^ inches by 43 inches. From the subject and description the picture would appear to be by Benjamin Cuyp. His "Conversion of Saul," measuring 32 inches by 42 inches, is in the St. Petersburg Academy, No. 510. A second picture of similar size, on panel, was in the Blanken sale, The Hague, June 4, 1800. Sales. D. Pompe van Meerdervoort and Jan van Huysuni, Amsterdam, October 14, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 269), No. 15 (13 florins).