Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/276

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260 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. are seen numerous cattle between the hills ; others are faintly visible on summits. " Painted in the master's first manner" (Sm.). Panel, 19 inches by i6| inches. Sales. H. Reydon and others, Amsterdam, April 5, 1827, No. 168 (200 florins, Robiano). Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 733 (1500 francs). Sold by Sm. to the Duke of Buckingham. 15*. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. Sm. 24. The angel appears in the clouds to the shepherds. In the centre foreground two horses are standing and an ass is lying down. In the distance are sheep. Panel, 16 inches by 13^ inches. Engraved by Beaumont as " L'Apparition de 1'Ange aux Bergers." Sale. Henriette Popta, Amsterdam, April 5, 1697 (Hoet, i. 40), No. 4 (320 florins) but described as "The Ascension," so that Sm. may have made a mistake. In the collection of the Due d'Orleans, Paris, 1749. Sales. Comte de Vence, Paris, February n, 1761 (377 francs). Dulac, Paris, November 30, 1778 according to Art Sales. P. Panne, London, March 20, 1819 (99 : 158.)- Duval of Geneva, London, 12 May 1846 (189, Fuller) according to a MS. note in Sm.'s own copy of his Catalogue. Due de Morny, London, 1848 (128 : 23., Arteria). Henry Arteria, London, April 23, 1850, No. 50 (99 : I5.). J. Harris, London, 1872 (105, Whitehead). Addington, London, May 1886 (199 : IDS., Colnaghi). 1 6. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. See Sm. 24 and 65. In the left foreground shepherds are sleeping at the foot of rocks. On the ground in the centre sleeps a woman, with a basket and jug beside her. To the right a grey horse crops the scanty herbage. Two shepherds lie on a rock crowned with a few trees. Below them, near the rock, kneel two women, listening to the angel's message. Panel, i8 inches by 16 inches. In the collection of Van Saceghem, Ghent, 1829 (Sm.). Sale. Van Saceghem of Ghent, Brussels, June 2, 1851, No. 84(1300 francs, Styart van Brugge). i6a. The Angel appearing to the Shepherds. Figures, horses, and cattle. Panel, 20 inches by 16 inches. Sale. M. C. van Hall and others, Amsterdam, April 27, 1858, No. 155. 17. THE ANGEL APPEARING TO THE SHEPHERDS. A notable but unattractive work, yellowish in tone. Canvas, 34 inches by 37 inches. In the collection of Lord Haldon. Sale. Fraser, London, May 7, 1904, No. 94.