Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/279

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 263 Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 277 (760 florins with pendant, P. Fouquet). In the Tronchin collection, Bessinge, near Geneva. 25. ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON. Sm. 84 and 230. St. George is mounted and holds up his sword in his right hand. An angel in the clouds brings the saint a crown. On his shield is inscribed in letters of gold : " Per varios casus et tot discrimina rerum, Tendite ad superos." [Pendant to 24.] Panel, 24 inches by 18 inches. Mentioned in Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 205. Sale. (Probably) Amsterdam, June 4, 1727, No. 14 or 15. In the collection of Gerard Braamcamp, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 510). Sales. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 277 (760 florins with pendant, P. Fouquet). Tronchin des Delices, Paris, Germinal 2, 1801 (4400 francs, Benard). In the collection of Leopold Favre, Geneva. 25*. A Christian Knight. [Probably identical with 24 or 25.] Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1727 (Hoet, i. 317), No. 14 (86 .florins). 25^. A Christian Knight. [Similar to 25^.] [Probably identical with 24 or 25.] Sale. Amsterdam, June 4, 1727 (Hoet, i. 317), No. 15 (90 florins). 25*:. A Christian Knight on Horseback. 34 inches by 39 inches. Sale. Johannes Lubbeling, Amsterdam, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 518). 26. St. Martin. Sm. 6. He is mounted on a grey horse, and is cutting his cloak to divide it with the beggar. Landscape with numerous figures. Panel, 18 inches by 15 inches. Sales. Jaques de Roore, The Hague, September 4, 1747 (Hoet, ii. 207), No. 92 (250 florins, Lr. van der Mark). Comte R. de Cornelissen, Brussels, May ii, 1857, No. 99 said to measure 12^ inches by 14 inches. Gilkinet, Paris, April 1 8, 1863, No. 42. 26*. St. Martin on Horseback. With figures. Sale. D'Orvielle, Amsterdam, July 15, 1705, No. 36 (89 florins). 27. ST HUBERT. Sm. 323. The huntsman in red kneels humbly in the centre, with his right hand on his breast. Before him to the left stands a great stag with a cross between his antlers, in front of big trees. The saint's fine grey horse stands in profile to the left behind him, on the right ; his five dogs are in the left foreground. To the right is an open landscape with a distant hill. [Identical with 38.] Dated 1660 ; canvas, 38 inches by 33 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 505. In the collection of the Prince of Orange, Brussels, 1829 (Sm.).