Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/286

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270 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 52. A RIDING-SCHOOL IN THE OPEN. Sm. 363. On an open space in the centre, a gentleman in red rides a grey horse round a post to which it is tied by a cord, while a groom urges it on with a whip. To the left a man on a dark-bay horse and a page stand looking on. In the foreground are a well-dressed man leaning on a stick, and two children. To the right are a dog and a child on a hobby-horse. There are various other spectators. A peasant leads a horse away to drink. A picture of mediocre quality. Canvas, 19^ inches by 16 inches. Epgraved by Laurent, Filheul and Landon. Sale. Wierman, Amsterdam, August 18, 1762, No. 16 (610 florins). In the Musee Napoleon (valued by the experts, 1816, at 15,000 francs). In the Louvre, Paris, 1902 catalogue, No. 2626. 53. A RIDING-SCHOOL IN THE OPEN. Sm. 105. In the centre a groom is making a grey horse trot round a post, at which the riding-master stands with a whip. At one side are a gentleman attentively watching the horse, and a well-dressed lady holding a little child by the hand. To the left are two gentlemen on horseback ; one of the horses, in profile to the right, rears up ; the other faces the spectator. Farther away are several gentlemen on foot, and a coach and horses. In the left foreground two boys are setting two dogs to fight. In the middle dis- tance is a park surrounded by a wall. There are fine gardens and build- ings in the hilly distance. A picture of " superior beauty " (Sm.). [Pendant to 182.] Panel, 21 inches by 18 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiositt, i. 194-95. Engraved by Major in the Galerie Choiseul, No. 71. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1867, No. 216. In the collection of the Marquis Voyer d'Argenson, Paris. Sales. Due de Choiseul, Paris, 1772 (20,000 francs, with pendant). Prince de Conti, Paris, April 8, 1777 (19,800 francs, with pendant). Jan Gildemeester Jansz, Amsterdam, June II, 1800, No. 266 (3650 florins, J. Yver). In the Van Loon collection, Amsterdam, 1829 (Sm., who valued it at 735). In the Van Loon van Winter collection, Amsterdam, purchased as a whole by the Rothschilds, 1878. In the collection of E. de Rothschild, Paris. 54. THE KICKING HORSE. Sm. 97 ? In the centre fore- ground is a man on a horse which kicks out behind. To the left is a group of three men ; to the right are several children, one of whom has fallen down while another runs away. To the right is a castle wall. Landscape background. A fairly early work, which is very probably identical with Sm. 97. Signed in the right-hand bottom corner with the full monogram ; panel, 13 inches by 15 inches. Exhibited at the British Gallery, London, 1828. Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 286 (605 florins, P. Schucking).