Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/307

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 291 According to the 1902 sale catalogue this was in the Collection of Count Brtlhl. Collection of Edmund Phipps. Sale. C. Beckett Denison, London, June 6, 1885. Collection of Hugh Muir. Sale. London, May 3, 1902, No. 95. 113. WATERING HORSES. Sm. 179 ; M. 62. To the left is a river ; to the right is the bank, where a road leads to a stone bridge over the river and thence to an archway in the round tower of a castle. A man with hawk on wrist rides forward on the right with three dogs. To the left of him, a groom on a dark horse rides down the river-bank, leading a restive white horse. Farther left and nearer the front are two washer- women ; one stands with basket on head, facing the spectator ; the other kneels at her work. In the river are a mounted groom, a grey horse, and two bathers. [Probably identical with no, though the 1870 price seems low.] Signed ; canvas, 18^ inches by 23 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite", i. 424. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 62, as " L'Abreuvoir Hollandais," in the collection of M. de la Have. 1749. Sales. Widow of M. de la Haye, Paris, December I, 1778. Godefrey, Paris, April 25, 1785 (3100 francs). Baron Konigswarter, of Vienna, Berlin, November 20, 1906, No. 99 (14,100 marks). 114. HORSES WATERING. At a river; evening. To the left is the river with bathers and two horses, one of which has a rider. In the centre on a broad hilly road a groom in a red cap holds a rearing grey. Behind him is a mounted cavalier ; in front of him two half-clothed boys sit on the river-bank. In the right foreground is the tall stem of a dead oak. Reddish evening light. Signed ; panel, 24 inches by 29^ inches. Sale. Baron Konigswarter, of Vienna, Berlin, November 20, 1906, No. 100 (7000 marks). 115. Watering Horses. Sm. 360 ; M. 83. A hilly landscape with a large cottage in the centre and a broad stream before it. Three men, one of whom has a woman behind him, are watering their horses. Three fishermen in the water are drawing nets. To the right are other figures. The ground is broken, and varied with hills and a few light trees. 1 8 inches by 19 inches (?). Described from the engraving of Moyreau, No. 83, "L'Abreuvoir Flamand." 116. THE FARRIER'S SHOP. Sm. 452. To the right, in front of a cave used as a smithy, is a brown horse. One man holds it, while another shoes its off hind-hoof. On the left a grey horse stands in profile to the left. Behind the horses is a loaded waggon ; a man is fastening the tilt. To the right, farther back, a woman sits nursing her child. From the left middle distance, between rocks spanned by a wooden bridge on which stands a girl, comes a man on a grey pack-horse, in